Friday, June 3

Lucy is the Strongest and Natsu Cries?

This week on Fairy Tail...

Lucy was sent to Edolas by Mystogan and she can use magic because he gave her a pill. That now makes Lucy the strongest member of Fairy Tail! Ha! I love that Lucy gets to be the strongest, but I don't think she is up to the task. She has the talent to overcome a lot, however she does not have the experience. It really showed when she freaked out because Virgo came instead of Loke. She should have just used Virgo instead of telling her to go away. They are lucky Edolas Natsu came and saved them.

Speaking of the Edolas Natsu, man I couldn't believe that man cried. I was in love with him until I saw the wimpy baby tears. I think he is cuter than Earthland Natsu and a little taller. Edolas Natsu acts older to me.The car he had was pretty cool but he is way different than the Earthland Natsu.

This episode really left me wondering about where Mystogan is and what he is doing. I also finally came to the realization that Mystogan is from Edolas and is not the twin of Jellal. I believe in order for Lucy, Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel,  Happy and Carla to be successful they are going to need Mystogan. Hopefully he will meet them in the Royal City.

On a last note, where is Makarov? I thought we would see the Edolas version of him. Who runs the Edolas Fairy Tail? I don't think it could seriously be Lucy. Let me know where you think the old man is.

Thursday, June 2

Bleach is Turning Up the Heat

And the story deepends...

So this week in Bleach the fighting continues. This episodes starts out with Kuchki, Hitsugaya, Kenpachi, and Kamamura going back to the Soul Society. As they went through the Precipice World, Kamamura ended up staying behind in order to ensure the others made it through. Once the others made it through, they split up to find Inaba.

Kenpachi ran into is copy on the way. This was one of the battles I was waiting for. Kenpachi versus a more bloodthirsty Kenpachi. This battle is satisfying. Both Kenpachi's came with all they had. They behaved the same, which I found to be funny becuase they were like saying the same thing to each other. The fighting in the rain was super dramatic. It was also nice to see Kenpachi fight for more than just the sake of violence. For once, he had a proper reason to go on.

The squad 4 captain is in a lot of trouble. She went into a closed room with Inaba and her Lieutenant just to find out her lieutenant is a reigai. Now, she may be facing a battle with her reigai and her lieutentant. I am praying that we get the chance to see Unohana fight. It is always the peaceful ones that have the best skills just lying dormant. I believe it will be a great battle! I don't think we will see her fight again. This may be the only opportunity for her defeat someone in battle.

Yama-jii is still fighting Sunsui-reigai and Ukitake-reigai. The old man actually thinks the match will end in a draw. I am really excited at the possible chance to see his bankai. I wonder if he can go to a third level like Ichigo. I thnk it easy to forget that Sunsui and Ukitake were students of Yama-jii and that they have both been capatains for over 100 years.

On a last note I don't know if I'm seeing things, but did the drawing for Kenpachi's battle look extra artistic? I found the style to be more detailed than usual. Maybe it was because of the rain but let me know what you think. Also, does anyone else believe we will have the chance to see Unohana fight this arc?

Tuesday, May 24

Best Battle of the Week Goes to Nemu

Bleach last week was awesome. More fighting has started. I was happy to see the ladies join the fight. They seemed to deal better with reigai than the men. Rangiku handled Kira-reigai and she didn't do it with strength she did it using smarts. The only way to defeat someone stronger than you is to out smart them and create a better strategy. Nemu was just amazing. Her fight was intriguing and I wanted to watch it all day. She quickly killed her reigai. Unfortunately, Rukia's inability to defeat hers resulted in Rangiku and Nemu being surprised attacked by Rukia-reigai.

Green Head is being upgraded to Nozomi because she has finally shown some character. She does wish to keep the others safe. Kon is taking her to a shrine that has many gates.  ?_? What ever this means. I wonder why this place is so important and how it will defeat Inaba.

Meanwhile back in the Soul Society, Shunsui has been placed in jail by Central 46. Ukitake freed him from jail just to be attacked by him because he is, of course, a reigai. The good thing is that now Unohana knows there is something wrong. I hope we get to see her fight. I like her bankai, but I really want to see her fight. Im sure she has some real good skills.

Will Rangiku and the ladies recover from their defeat by Rukia-reigai? Will Nozomi and Kon reach their destination in time to stop Inaba? What are Inaba's plans? Will Old Man Yamamoto figure out whats going on before its to late? Please let me know what you think will happen.

Sunday, May 15

Respect Your Local Priest

I went to the movies last night and saw Priest. It was pretty freakin AWESOME O_O

The movie is based on the 1998 manhwa(korean manga) Priest by Hyung Min-woo. It is about a world were there has always been vampires. The best hope for humanity lies with the church who has special priests who have the skills to combat the vampires. I to want saw more but I don't want to spoil the movie.

Paul Bettany was amazing. His action sequences had you on the edge of your seat and the slow motion was just right. I would just freeze every time there was a fight scene. Some scenes are gory and others remind me of a horror film. The first vampire I saw scared the crap out of me. I think I spilled slushy on my shirt. Along with Bettany, Maggie Q was great. I would have like to see her fight more. She has some great skills.

This movie has more to offer than just great action sequences. There is a great story about sacrifice, using God to control people and trying to have a good life in a crappy world. I found it to be a little short.  The movie is only 87 minutes but I think that was due to all the production problems. It is my hope Priest becomes a series. The manhwa ran from 1998-2007 so there is plenty of material. It also faired well in the box office this week coming in 4th on its opening weekend. Over all, this movie proved it is possible to turn a manga into an entertaining and well made film.

Saturday, May 14

Erza is One Scary Lady


The end of Fairy Tail this week was fantastic! But first a quick recap. Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla are at the Fairy Tail guild in Edolas still taking in the new personalities of their friends. Major shocker LISANNA is ALIVE! O_O Fairy Tail is the only guild left and they are on the run from the fairy hunter, ERZA. Also, I guess cats are Exceeds.  I don't know what that means but they seem have some serious power. The last major development, the Earthland Fairy Tails wizards are in the Royal City! However, they have been turned into lacrima! T_T

I feel like this week laid all the heavy stuff on me at the end. Why does Erza have to be the enemy? Also, she looked seriously tense. I was scared ._.  I guess that's how she would have turned out without friends. Then to find out that everyone was turned into lacrima! It was just too much! How can that even be undone? Are we just gonna be stuck will this new group? Natsu and Wendy have their work cut out.

Teenage Wendy is kinda hot! <3 I was surprised to see like Wendy older. How did that happen? The best thing that happened in this episode is Natsu getting to see Lisanna alive! His first love just came back to life! I wanted to jump up and down with him. He has harbored some serious feeling because her death. She is going to make leaving Edolas really difficult but he will have to have the strength to move on. Next week should give us more info. ^_^

Friday, May 13

Reigai V.S. Originals!

Konbonwa ^_^

Bleach this week was very exciting. The first round of original v.s. reigai battles has started. Ikkaku,Omaeda,Hisagi and Ayasegawa all are against their reigai and it seems that the copies have won. For starters, Omaeda's copy looks ten times better than him! LOL! I don't know how they can replace Omaeda with Omaeda-reigai. They look nothing alike. Secondly, I can't believe Ikkaku lost, but then I have to remember that the copies are more bloodlust than them and Ikkaku was pretty crazy to begin with  I'm starting to think that in order for the originals are going to have use the fact that they have been fighting longer to get the upper hand on the copies,. Their battle experience should prove to be why they win.

I am worried about Ukitake and Shunsui. Upon hearing that Ichigo was suspected of foul play those two go and check the Precipice World records. Just as they see they records don't match they get arrested. Also, Inaba seems to be moving forward on his plans. I wonder what he is up too ?_? I really want to know this guy's story.

One more thing, am I the only one dissapointed in the Old Man? I expect him to know things are wrong. I feel like the copies' spirtual pressure is different than the originals and that he would be able so sense that. Let me know how you feel about this. 

I will have a review of this weeks Fairy Tail up tomorrow and sometime next week I will add FMA:Brotherhood. ^_^

*Side Note: I have no clue who is reading this. Please let me know what you think I NEED feedback. Also, if there are any shows you would like me to follow let me know. -_-

Wednesday, May 11

The Elric Brothers Are Hitting the Big Screen Again And Why Is Freezing Like Soft Core Porn!

I was going to do this tomorrow but I can't sleep.-_-zZ

A second Full Metal Alchemist movie is being released in Japan in July! Its name is The Second Star of Milos. I have no clue what the movie is about because all the information I found on it is in Japanese. T_T I do know however that L'Arc-en-Ciel did the theme song for the movie and it sounds amazing, of course! L'Arc-en-Ciel song I believe the second opening for FMA(Ready Steady Go!). I watched the trailer(its below WATCH IT!) and it looks pretty interesting. The movie is supposed to be after FMA:Brotherhood. There are some characters I haven't seen before, but that may be because I am watching the English dub of FMA:Brotherhood. I'm going to do my best to find a description of this movie! >_<# 
The other thing I wanted to talk about is Freezing. For starters, these are the faces I made last night when I watched it: ^_^   O_O   @_@   >_<;    ._.   T_T    O_o

Now let me explain this. When I first started watching this show it was the Funimation production of the show and I loved it! ^_^  Then I thought I was clever because I was going to watch it without commercials. Well, the non Funimation version is quite different. O_O There were just so many breasts dangling. @_@ The underwear was stressful enough >_<; Why Why WHY! ._. Now I have to go back to watching it with commercials to avoid the supper Ecchi but should be called Hentai show T_T I just don't know why anyone would make something with a good storyline look like that O_o

I know I just spent like 100 words describing some not happy feelings but that's because I'm a lady. Freezing is a really good show. It really reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion and  Aquarion mixed together. I usually aviod ecchi and harem anime because I like to see men but this show rocks! The main characters are in school to become Pandora and fight off invaders called Nova. Every Pandora needs a partner called a Limiter. This definetly a shonen for you shonen lovers. I have only watched the first 7 episodes but this is definetly a keeper. Please check it out. You should like it in the first 2 episodes and it really starts heating up around episode 6. (I know this is a horrible description but check out the show!)

*Side note: Please watch the Funimation version that is unless you wish to see anime boobs. ^_^