Friday, April 29

I Heart Inyuasha

One of the first shows I fell in love with was Inyuasha and I think I was 12. Last year, I started to rewatch the series and I have to say Inyuasha is in my top 20.  The show is funny yet has a serious side and the story line has a lot to offer. Its about a group of people looking for a shards of a sacred jewel and searching for an evil half demon named Naraku.

Its fun to watch Inyuasha grow and become a kinder/better person. I feel so bad for him because he isn't accepted by the demon or human community. He had to go and find his own family who can love him for who he is. I like how the lines between good and evil gets blurred. In this anime, even Sesshomaru has a kind streak here and there.

Kagome and Inyuasha are one of the most turbulent couples I have ever seen. They do however learn a lot from each other. <3  Shippo is just the cutest thing I have ever seen ^_^. Miroku reminds sadly of some of my friends T_T. He is a perv who can't stop himself. I can't imagine a man asking me if I wanted to bear his children. I'm sure I would give him the crazy face 0_o Sango is my fave. She is a super cool demon slayer and she a lady. Shes just bada** and I believe we must respect ones bada**ness. *_*

This show is awesome. It has everything. Its funny, sad, thoughtful, action packed, and romantic. I recommend it to people who want action with some laughs and fellas watch the really romantic episodes with your girl and I'm sure her heart will melt.

Thursday, April 28

Hello World ^_^


As this is my first posting I shall introduce myself. 

This is me! I'm your typical American but, I have an obsession with anime, manga and Japan. These are my favorite hobbies and I thought why not write about it. I plan on talking about the popular animes like Bleach, Fairytail, Death Note, and FMA: Brotherhood and some stuff that I end up watching or reading randomly. I hope you enjoy experiencing the joys of anime with me. ^_^