Wednesday, May 11

The Elric Brothers Are Hitting the Big Screen Again And Why Is Freezing Like Soft Core Porn!

I was going to do this tomorrow but I can't sleep.-_-zZ

A second Full Metal Alchemist movie is being released in Japan in July! Its name is The Second Star of Milos. I have no clue what the movie is about because all the information I found on it is in Japanese. T_T I do know however that L'Arc-en-Ciel did the theme song for the movie and it sounds amazing, of course! L'Arc-en-Ciel song I believe the second opening for FMA(Ready Steady Go!). I watched the trailer(its below WATCH IT!) and it looks pretty interesting. The movie is supposed to be after FMA:Brotherhood. There are some characters I haven't seen before, but that may be because I am watching the English dub of FMA:Brotherhood. I'm going to do my best to find a description of this movie! >_<# 
The other thing I wanted to talk about is Freezing. For starters, these are the faces I made last night when I watched it: ^_^   O_O   @_@   >_<;    ._.   T_T    O_o

Now let me explain this. When I first started watching this show it was the Funimation production of the show and I loved it! ^_^  Then I thought I was clever because I was going to watch it without commercials. Well, the non Funimation version is quite different. O_O There were just so many breasts dangling. @_@ The underwear was stressful enough >_<; Why Why WHY! ._. Now I have to go back to watching it with commercials to avoid the supper Ecchi but should be called Hentai show T_T I just don't know why anyone would make something with a good storyline look like that O_o

I know I just spent like 100 words describing some not happy feelings but that's because I'm a lady. Freezing is a really good show. It really reminds me of Neon Genesis Evangelion and  Aquarion mixed together. I usually aviod ecchi and harem anime because I like to see men but this show rocks! The main characters are in school to become Pandora and fight off invaders called Nova. Every Pandora needs a partner called a Limiter. This definetly a shonen for you shonen lovers. I have only watched the first 7 episodes but this is definetly a keeper. Please check it out. You should like it in the first 2 episodes and it really starts heating up around episode 6. (I know this is a horrible description but check out the show!)

*Side note: Please watch the Funimation version that is unless you wish to see anime boobs. ^_^

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